-- S E E K -- We are happy to pay commission for equipment below successfully sold to FBO's, CAMO's or avionics shops !
1 x Portable
Interface Unit Model FA2100 PN 17TES0043 SN 00317737 for data transfer of Cockpit Voice - & Data Recorder Calibrated : 2012 -- S O L D to Switzerland -- |
1 x Sundstrand DTE-348 Mark VI signal box SN 31620
for GPWS testing (no EGPWS testing) calibration necessary - OFFER accepted - |
1 x Hanson Supply Co.
Rivet pistole RT-807-LNA versatile use calibration necessary - OFFER accepted - |
1 x Pelican Products
functional test instrument electrical torque meter PN 101380-91-1/935 Adjustment of Torque Meter for Beechcraft King Air 200/300. 2 boxes (1 / 2) calibration necessary - OFFER accepted - |
1 x Barfield Inc. fuel quantity test 2548H
PN 101-00420 for AC Systems, 2 Boxes (one with console, other with diverse cables) Cable for Cessna 425 see below (PN 101-01447) calibration necessary - OFFER accepted - |
1 x Pelican Products
functional test instrument electrical torque meter PN 90-380034-1 Adjustment of Torque Meter for Beechcraft King Air 200/300. 2 boxes (2 / 2) calibration necessary - OFFER accepted - |
1 x TIF digital thermometers TIF 7000 / 7002, 7003, 7004
versatile use calibration necessary - OFFER accepted - |
1 x Barfield Inc. digital turbine temperature test set TT-1000A PN 101-00901
diverse airplane types calibrated : 2019 -- S O L D to Germany -- |
1 x Gull Airborne Instrument Fuel Quantity Test Set GTF-1 PN 361-016-001
for AC fuel system testing on Cessna 500/550 calibration necessary -- S O L D to Germany -- |
1 x JcAir instrumentation Data Loader 429E
for ARINC429 data bus testing (no data cable) calibration necessary - OFFER accepted - |
1 x Kohlman Systems
16“ skin map kit TOL723 SN 13 STC for RVSM upgrade on Cessna Citation I / Cessna 500/501 calibration necessary - OFFER accepted - |
1 x TRT F6170 Radio Altimeter Height Simulator
PN 3511 180 99591 PN 3511 180 99571 for Radio Altimeters working on 4.3 GHz calibrated : 2016 -- S O L D to Hungary -- |